ANNA'S INQUIRING ALPHABET: More Questions than Answers

Judge a man by his questions rather than his answers

'For God’s sake give me some peace!’  How many of us have muttered these words or similar ones?Whether you’ve expressed it this way or more on the lines of, ‘When for ***** sake am I going to get a break!’ is not the point.  It’s a fundamental question.  Like it or not, most of us find ourselves asking it at some moment in our lives. Very often  when we’re grief stricken, angry, disappointed, exhausted, or simply stressed out of our heads by any or all of the preceding states.

Socrates is alleged to have said, ‘Ask the right questions and you’ll get the right answers.’   True or not, and obvious though it may seem, there never appears to be easy answers to anything.  From Brexit to better ways to bake a biscuit, we can all disagree til the sun sinks down in the sky.  So put simply,  how do we get peace of mind?

I promise you, I'm working on it!  Provoked, I suppose by age,  I’ve tried to ferret out answers. Not definitive ones, of course. Impossible! But simply those that might help me get to a point of peace, where I’m neither shaking my head in bewilderment nor erupting in anger or dismay on the ways of the world.  I’ve tried to follow the advice of Ecclesiasticus and, ‘Speak if you are old, it is your privilege.  But come to the point and do not interrupt the music.‘

Anna's Inquiring Alphabet is a potpourri of things that spring to mind or points I've pondered upon. I'm hoping it will provide a framework for my somewhat disorderly thoughts.  You'll notice I happen to be starting with A and H.  But  since this is an adventure for me, so apart from having, 'The pleasure of a completed task,' the next post might begin with another A or possibly B or C or even Y or Z!  To paraphrase the immortal words of Eric Morecombe, these will be the right letters -  but not necessarily in the right order!

Nevertheless,  I'm hoping that amongst the pieces that will appear, you'll find something to  encourage or entertain you.  Or maybe even enlighten a hitherto unexplored thought as we all saunter, scramble or gallop through our lives.

Friday Posts  I’ll be publishing a short piece here every fortnight, usually on Friday. All views are respected so please feel free to leave a comment.  Thank you so much for looking in - and all possible good wishes and blessings to you.
